

  1. angelo
    July 12, 2019 @ 11:30 am

    sono stato contattato da swiss investiment fx dicendomi che fanno trading per conto della banca popolare di milano. Non ho visto loghi della bpm, è una truffa?

  2. Antonio
    July 26, 2019 @ 4:21 pm

    Sono stato truffato da questa società, ho investito un capitale di 1800 euro, al primo prelievo sono spariti, chi puoi aiutarmi? a chi mi posso rivolgere? ho effettuato denuncia alla polizia postale, ho provato a recuperare il bonifico nei 10 giorni previsti per legge, ad ora dopo una settimana dall’accaduto nulla di fatto.

    • Brian - Valforex Support
      July 26, 2019 @ 7:20 pm


      se riesci ancora a comunicare con loro, per favore chiedi loro di ritirare i tuoi fondi e, se rifiutano o insistono nel depositare più fondi, devi presentare uno storno di addebito alla tua banca o aprire una controversia con PayPal secondo il metodo di pagamento, quindi segnalare il caso alla polizia locale.

      Spero che questo possa essere d’aiuto.


  3. Salvatore
    September 12, 2019 @ 6:26 pm

    Salve io sto operando con swissinv24, è una truffa per favore fatemi sapere qualcosa grazie ?

  4. Remo Francucci
    September 15, 2019 @ 9:51 pm

    io sono stato contattato ed ho investito 200€.poi mi è stato promesso un recupero credito, dopo un mese mi anno detto che il credito recuperato era disponibile in una banca, io dovevo pagare il 23% per poterlo sbloccare io le ho risposto che pagavo dopo l’accredito,e contemporaneamente ho chiesto il ritiro del capitale versato +il guadagno ma non mi anno dato nulla

  5. Rosario
    September 23, 2019 @ 2:01 pm

    Salve. Sto provando a riavere i miei soldi 250€ ma stanno trovando un mare di scuse. Addirittura tramite un loro consulente come si è definito mi sta chiedendo i codici della carta di credito che fortunatamente non gli ho dato: potrebbe prendere altri importi a mia insaputa.

  6. Schulz
    November 19, 2019 @ 1:12 pm

    habe 250 euro verloren, broker war herr thaler

  7. Stefano
    February 28, 2020 @ 10:31 am

    Sono Stefano e sono statotruffato da SWISSINVESTMENTFX per una cifra considerevole. Per avere informazioni ufficiali visitate questo sito : da cui si dichiara che la società in questione non è autorizzata ad operare sui mercati e sono truffatori.

  8. Alex
    March 14, 2020 @ 1:56 pm

    In trying to address this, I will try to be as explicit as possible. May i say that there is no best way to this. Your DUE DILIGENCE is key. One at this juncture has to be very strategic. Below are some workable means to an end:
    1. One of the best practices is to search if your broker is regulated by any agency. If this is in the positive, then your chances of getting your money back via this channel becomes an access gate. Upon verifying this, get all your proof and send a complaint mail to either SEC or CFTC for investigation. If it turns out to be that your broker was either negligent or manipulative which is against trading ethics, the Regulatory body would order them to recompense you. Upon their failure to follow SEC’s order, their operation license would be revoked and SEC would bring action against them. However, if your regulator is unregulated, it follows to say that you have gambled with your hard earned money and beware that this kind of risk is captured under the slogan, ‘BUYERS BEWARE’. No legal protection. If the later is the case, you have no business with SEC since the total assumption is that you have been scammed by some scam artistes who pose as brokers but who are not in real sense. 
    2. Some will advise for a charge back which may be plausible with like 10% success rate. Remember that you never consulted your financial institution before making this financial decision. Also, your means of payment could be cryptocurrency which is untraceable. Let me ask; “ HOW DO YOU WANT YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION TO GET THE MONEY FROM’? Just note that if this is the case, anyone offering you chargeback service merely wants to make away with your money. You can only consider this is it is real inter-bank transaction. In that case your chargeback claim would hold water.
    3. Needles to say that you must as a duty report to any law enforcement agency where you are resident for prompt action. This could be any authority saddled with discreet investigation. The FBI is a good go option for you. Ensure that you file with proof. Your chances of getting your money may be slim since these companies are registered with fake identities. With the use of data track network, tracking them down is not hard. But the FBI is over burdened with too many complaints which might it take longer than necessary to get to your turn. File with them but still look for a way. In the recent time, their ability to retrieve such funds has not really been easy since their are more state related issues to attend to. Also, their is outright of cryptocurrency in some jurisdictions. If you fall into the category of these countries, kindly look for alternative. 
    4. Do not go through litigation if the company is not regulated. Let it sink into your head that it is not one of the roads that would lead you home. Who do you want to maintain the action against? A ghost? You can only maintain action against a real person because of the fundamental principle of fair hearing. 
    5. This last option may be the most plausible if you can get a trusted company. There are some asset recovery companies but 80% of them are operated by scam artist. That is where the work is. Knowing where, when and how to your problem. Desperation should not even be on your heart at this point. Take a deep breath! Pray; if you are the religious type. Do your due diligence. There are a good ones that you could reach out to. PLEASE; ensure that you do not make upfront payment. That would be another scam line. There are some like TIBEX INC, AXA RADAR. Also, there is HORIZON SECURITY. None of these companies would accept your case without proof since they must obtain an authorisation from the requisite body before acting. When you go to the latter by filing through admin (at)HORIZON-SECURITY ORG, it may take some days for them to reply but you may choose to be patient. Some of their personal or tech staff left some big tech giants before joining the company and have good knowledge of operational tech models. If you have all the documents relating to your transaction, getting remedy from them could be an easy ride. Peradventure they drop your case because you do not have the requisite documents, you may contact the other two. While doing this, still maintain your action with the law enforcement agency. 
    Finally, may i advise you never to invest anymore. Learn trading if you desire money from the futures and options market. It is a very complex transaction which requires patience. In the interim, leave your money in your bank account.
    I hope you find this helpful!

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