Ethereum Code Bot Review: Another Scam

The Ethereum Code Bot is a new cryptocurrency robot with less than a year in the cryptocurrency market. The developers of the bot claim they can make clients thousands of dollars each day. Anyone can see through this lie. It is impossible to earn that kind of money in the cryptocurrency space.

This is not the only lie the company is telling. Moreover, there are many other shady details about this company that no one should ignore. The company is not ideal for safeguarding and growing investors’ funds. The company is only in the market to steal people’s money.

They claim to provide an automated trading tool to clients. This is not true. They are just riding the trend in the cryptocurrency space. Many companies have come up offering automated trading to clients. Unfortunately, most of these companies are only after your money.

Ethereum Code hopes that investors will buy their sham software without digging for deeper details about the company. Luckily, we have done the digging for you. This review will tell you why the Ethereum Code Bot is not worth your money.

There are many legitimate cryptocurrency robots that will give you real returns in the market. Invest only in those companies to ensure you don’t get scammed.

Ethereum Code Bot Review

You encounter the first red flag about the company as soon as you land on the website. The website features a video showing investors all the fancy things they can own if they invest. The promise of vast lifestyle improvements is at the heart of an illegitimate company’s pitch. Their materials feature flashy cars and luxury travel that can achieve.

Ethereum Code Bot Review, Ethereum Code Bot Platform

However, take caution with such companies. This is just a tool they use to lure eager investors into their business. They have nothing to offer you; they are only after your money.

Moreover, the kinds of returns the company promises are unrealistic. No real company can earn you thousands of dollars each day. They know most people in the financial markets are looking for a quick way to make money.

Cryptocurrency mining is becoming more difficult each day. Moreover, the market is full of volatility. This makes it impossible to plan for any kind of profit. Therefore, we do not know how this company plans to make such high returns.

This shows the company knows nothing about the cryptocurrency market. This is also evident in the live results they feature on the website. Until recently, the results had nothing to do with cryptocurrencies. Instead, they were showing trading results of currency pairs. That should tell you all you need to know.

Investment Process

Here, you encounter more red flags. The company is telling clients they don’t have to pay anything to use the bot. They are offering a trading system for free. The only thing you have to do is open and credit an account with their recommended broker.

This is not something you will see with legitimate trading bots. Ethereum Code Bot is simply a tool to funnel investors to a shady broker with no license. They probably have a partnership that entitles them to a commission for every client they drive to the broker. This is further evidence that the company performs no trading activities in the background. We suspect they entirely rely on the commissions they make from the partnership.

Moreover, we can tell that the company does not care about customer satisfaction. Otherwise, they would not force their clients to use a specific broker. They would let clients choose the broker that best fits their portfolio.

Founder and Physical Location

The website claims the CEO and developer of the Ethereum Code Bot are Marc Weston. Marc claims to have a vast experience in trading. However, this claim is not verifiable. The only detail about this mysterious individual on the website is his name. Nothing else is known about this Marc Weston guy.

Moreover, in the video on the website, they use a stock image to represent Marc. This is what Marc is willing to do to conceal his identity. No owner of a legitimate company would do this much to hide. Furthermore, the website does not tell us where they operate from.

This is just a recipe for disaster. It would be unwise to invest in such companies. There is no telling what they are willing to do to steal your money.

Trading Strategy

The trading strategy of a cryptocurrency robot will always tell you whether it is worth your money. Sadly, the company does not feature any details on the trading strategy they use in the market.

This is a cause of concern. One begs to question what really happens to investors’ funds. Clearly, there is something the company is hiding from its clients. This lack of transparency is inexcusable in this day and age.

Moreover, it further shows the company does trade any cryptocurrencies. Such individuals cannot be trusted with investors’ funds. They are not professionals who know what they are doing. There are too many ways to lose money with this company.

Trading Results

The website features a live record of trading results as they happen. A section of the website shows the supposed amount that clients make in trading. However, these results are not verified. Moreover, until recently, the trading results were of currency pairs. They were showing nothing to do with cryptocurrencies

As far as we are concerned, these are just figures the company uses as a marketing tool. Moreover, there is no proof of payment made to real people.

We cannot trust this company until they can demonstrate their trading bot works and is profitable. The only way they can do that is through verified trading results or proof of payments made to clients.

Fake Customer Testimonials

Ethereum Code Bot uses fake customer reviews on their website. They are trying to convince people they have real people benefiting from their trading robot. However, the images they use for these fake testimonials are stock images. Anyone can buy them and use them for whatever they want.

Further, the Facebook comments they display on the website are not real. If you search for the names on Facebook, you will see that they do not exist.

Additionally, the people featured on the video are paid actors from Fiverr. This is not what a real company does. Ethereum Code Bot is a massive scam, and the developer is doing everything he can to convince you otherwise. Do not fall for their ploys. Run while you still can.

Final Verdict

Ethereum Code Bot is yet another scam posing as a cryptocurrency bot. They promise clients profits they cannot provide and have nothing to show for it. The kinds of results the company promises are impossible to achieve in the cryptocurrency space.

Moreover, the developer of this bot operates in full secrecy. We have no idea who he is or what kind of experience he has in cryptocurrency trading. Additionally, he does not provide a physical address for his offices. He hides these details to stop anyone from tracking him down.

Worse, there is no proof that this company trades cryptocurrencies. It would be wise for you to avoid this company.

There are many legitimate cryptocurrency robots that will offer you professional services. They will give you consistent returns without compromising on your peace of mind.