Trendingraphs Review: Forex Scam
Trendingraphs ( is another lame CFDs, Crypto Currency and Forex scam to hit the lucrative trading world. With claims of having reliable strategies and lightning fast executions, trendingraphs is enticing investors to sign up. What looks like a real trading website at first glance is nothing but a cloned website. A detailed investigation reveals the hidden agenda of this bogus online platform. Read the full TRENDINGRAPHS Review for more details.
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Trendingraphs Review
After receiving numerous email complaints from victims of this platform, we knew trouble was brewing. What seems to be a genuine platform on the outside is nothing but a well-designed scam to steal from investors. Thanks to our years of trading experience, we can share our thoughts on why this is a scam. Newbie investors may not know how to spot some of these tricks and that is why we are here. We ensure to make the trading world is free from these illicit scam platforms.
Scam artists are known to operate by designing easy to believe websites. What they do is clone websites of leading platforms and uses the designs on their scam platforms. It is what Trendingraphs is doing with their illicit platforms. From using anonymous online brokers to demanding deposits after every few days, their end has come. We hope authorities will take action after some members sent their complaints to them. Such platforms must be shut down to allow for a safe trading market.
About Trendingraphs
Premium Systems Ltd is the company which claims to own this platform. According to details posted on the disclaimer at the footer of their homepage, the company is based in Marshall Islands. With this statement, it is clear Trendingraphs is another offshore brokerage firm. Offshore brokers are notorious for flaunting set industry rules and regulations. What this means is that we are dealing with a professional scam outfit. These scam artists will stop at nothing to get your funds.
Another shocking issue with this platform is anonymity which is all over their website. We don’t know who the founding members are or the CEO of their company. A serious investigation shows we are dealing with a platform which is out to steal from users. With the number of complaints rising, this platform will close down soon. Scam artists are afraid of the backlash from authorities and will close down shop to avoid being caught. The smart move is to stay away from this platform.
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Is Trendingraphs licensed or registered?
What we discovered about this platform is shocking beyond words. It is clear they have used MH96960 as their license number. Folks, this number has been used by countless scam platforms all over the world. In fact, this license number is enough proof that Trendingraphs is not dully licensed. To confirm our fears, we reached out to various regulatory bodies all over the world to confirm their license status. Some of the regulatory bodies we contacted include ASIC, CONSOB, FCA, FSC, NFA, and SEC.
None of the above regulatory institutions has ever heard or licensed this platform. Clearly, we are dealing with another lame platform which is out to cause havoc. Why have they failed to post matching documents to prove their license status? A legit platform will post copies of their license documents for all to see. By doing this, they help show transparency and gives investors a chance to confirm the license details with proper authorities. Lack of any credible documents is proof we are dealing with a scam.
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Advantages of Trendingraphs
We could not find any advantage of dealing with a shoddy platform which is ripping off investors. Trendingraphs is going to shut down soon after the scam artists get their fill, or after authorities shut them down. How can there be an advantage when users are crying foul every other day. These are some of the reasons why no one should involve themselves with unknown platforms. Smart investors know for a fact that offshore brokers are never to be trusted with funds.
Disadvantages of Trendingraphs
Account types
Trendingraphs is furnishing users with four account types to choose from. Accounts are listed as Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. What we noticed weird with these accounts is having the same features. Why would an investor deposit $50,000 and get the same features as one who deposits $250? Another problem with these accounts is lack of professional account managers. Users are complaining of having rude account managers who are demanding funds each time they call.
Some of these bonuses are just a ploy to entice users to deposit more funds. What these scam artists offer is 100% welcome bonus as an incentive for investors to deposit more. Once an investor sees they will get the same amount they deposit, they will want to add more funds. And this is where the trap is set as none of the investors has seen any dime with this platform.
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Customer support
Another shocker with this platform is lack of a working customer support team. You would expect the platform to have a live chat team to help members at their time of need. What the platform prefers is emails and a busy phone number. The problem with emails is that they are one way and response may never come on time. Phone number listed is always busy and account managers refer members to another broker. It is clear this platform simply wants users to deposit more funds.
Deposit and withdrawal
Some of the depository channels include Bitcoin, MasterCard, Visa, and others. What seems to be a huge problem with this platform is lack of withdrawing options. No member has come forward with evidence of ever withdrawing funds with this platform. This is why you should never open an account with Trendingraphs.
Are funds safe with Trendingraphs?
How can funds be safe with a platform which is refusing to grant withdrawal requests? According to research, it is possible users are depositing funds straight to owner’s personal bank account. Make sure to stay away from this platform or else risk losing your entire funds. We also suspect this platform is selling personal information to third parties.
Is Trendingraphs a scam?
Evidence is clear we are dealing with a rotten online scam platform. From having no license to refusing members to withdraw funds, Trendingraphs is a certified scam. Make sure to avoid any of their affiliate programs and ignore calls from their agents. Mark their emails as spam and never believe their video marketing promises. Warn your family and friends from signing up with this platform.
Final verdict
To protect investors, we are adding this platform to our scam blacklist.
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March 17, 2020 @ 7:06 pm
Ta platforma internetowa to jedno wielkie oszustwo, straciłem u nich 750 dolarów.
March 21, 2020 @ 1:13 am
Witam zostalem oszukany.zainwestowalem 12 tys złotych i wszystko stracilem.nie wiem co teraz mam zrobic ? Czy jestem w stanie odzyskac te pieniadze ?
March 21, 2020 @ 11:42 am
Ta platforma internetowa to wielkie oszustwo . Najpeir inwesyuje 250 $a jak je stracisz proboja dac Ci bonusa 5000 $ ktory jest sciema i inwestujesz ok 2200 $ na depozyt i kupujesz bitcoina na gieldzie. Twoj analityk finansowy podajacy sie jak Daniel W to oszust ktory nie da Ci znac kiedy masz zamknac dana pozycje. Dochodzi do tego ze masz malo depozutu by dalej byc na akcji ktora kupiles i tracisz wszystko bo zamyka Ci program automtycznie pozycje . Prosze uwazac i przestrzegam przed ludzmi ktorzy mowia po polsku ale z innym akcentem . Moja lekcja niech bedzie przestroga dla innych . Pozdrawiam
April 20, 2020 @ 11:34 am
ja straciłem ponad 50000 zl. przez pi@prz$ną s#kę Morgan Stone i Paweł Depczinski to j@b#ni oszuści
April 23, 2020 @ 11:11 am
Da się to gdzieś zgłosić odzyskać cześć pieniedzy
May 11, 2020 @ 8:55 pm
ja stracilem 7000 zl tez przez Morgan Stone
June 9, 2020 @ 6:15 am
Ja też daÅ‚em siÄ™ oszukać i nawet siÄ™ zadÅ‚użyÅ‚em. Morgan Stone, PaweÅ‚ GaliÅ„ski, Adam Fischer to banda p….. oszustów. Nie dajcie siÄ™ robić w konia.
August 18, 2020 @ 2:50 pm
PaweÅ‚ Depczynski to jeden z tych oszustów. Zapewne to nie jest jego prawdziwe nazwisko tylko pseudonim. ChciaÅ‚bym opisać sposób oszukiwania. WpÅ‚aca siÄ™ kwotÄ™ 250$ tzw. rejestracyjnÄ… i teoretycznie można zaczynać. ZgÅ‚asza siÄ™ analityk który informuje że bÄ™dzie prowadzÄ…cym i pomocnikiem.Potem jak wyżej opisano już mamy kÅ‚opoty i grozi nam automatyczne zamkniÄ™cie naszego rachunku. Wtedy “pomaga” ten analityk i pomaga wziąć kredyt szybki w np. parabanku gdzie oprocentowanie to 100% i prowizja !00%. JeÅ›li siÄ™ nie zorientujesz jesteÅ› ugotowany.Mówi z akcentem wschodnim. Napomyka że w dokumentach jest zapis o tym jak siÄ™ wypÅ‚aca z tej platformy zarobiona kasÄ™.Platforma handlowa to (Meta Trader4 lub5). Platforma jest opisana po polsku ale caÅ‚a reszta zasad jest w jÄ™zyku angielskim. Normalnie nie można siÄ™ doszukać jak siÄ™ wypÅ‚aca kasÄ™. JeÅ›li analityk zamknie wszystkie pozycje to twierdzi że do koÅ„ca miesiÄ…ca trzema wybrać caÅ‚Ä… kasÄ™. Nie ma możliwoÅ›ci wypÅ‚at częściowych. Aby wybrać kasÄ™ to on potrzebuje szybko sprawÄ™ zamknąć ale aby to zrobić musisz wpÅ‚acić podatek 16% plus 2% jego prowizji co razem daje 18% od caÅ‚ej wybieranej kwoty. JeÅ›li nie masz takich pieniÄ™dzy to jego to nic nie interesuje. Masz wpÅ‚acić i kropka. Jak wpÅ‚acisz to ta kasa i to co miaÅ‚eÅ› wypÅ‚acić znika i kontakt z nim siÄ™ urywa. Tak straciÅ‚em 17,00 tyÅ›. zÅ‚. Tej dodatkowej kasy nie wpÅ‚aciÅ‚em bo bym byÅ‚ stratny jakieÅ› 50 tyÅ›. zÅ‚otych. Uważajcie na tÄ… szajkÄ™ bo dziaÅ‚aja bardzo przemyÅ›lanie i podstÄ™pnie. Prokuratura w Warszawie wam nie pomoże bo dla nich koszty poszukiwania sÄ… wyższe niż wasza strata i macie w plecy. pozdrawiam oszukanych.